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Main series of painting

It dwells within

Es weilt im Inneren


This series launched in 2014 is a study in the development of expressive techniques in layers as well as in the representation of subjective space. The use of multiple perspectives with wax allows the artist to highlight the gap between the real world and the world we perceive and reconstruct in our brains, and to engage with the subjectivity of the viewer.



Deconstruction of painting


In Jacques Derrida(1930 - 2004)'s "Déconstruction" , the notion of deconstruction shifts focus from destructive dismantling to a reevaluation of the existence of binary oppositions through the lens of deconstruction. In Hagino's work titled "Deconstruction of Painting," this approach is applied, attempting to deconstruct the relationship between painting and human perception.



The box weaves history




Le bocal de poisson soluble


Spatial drawing
Räumliche Zeichnung

This work is a „spatial drawing“ made from gesso, Sumi-ink and various other mediums. I drew around me on squared pieces of paper, which I then sewed together and combined.People are able to freely open the pages of the book and look at this art work the way they want. This work can be seen as a material representation of the space around me. By opening the pages, people can „feel“ the space I was in. Even when some pages are reverted and people cannot see the front sides, the space that is represented on these pages still exists.


Spatial letters

Räumliche Buschtaben

This work is a „spatial drawing“ made from gesso, Sumi-ink and various other mediums. I drew around me on squared pieces of paper, which I then sewed together and combined.People are able to freely open the pages of the book and look at this art work the way they want. This work can be seen as a material representation of the space around me. By opening the pages, people can „feel“ the space I was in. Even when some pages are reverted and people cannot see the front sides, the space that is represented on these pages still exists.


Blue Print
Blauer Druck

This technique is based on cyanotype-process, one of the alternative photographic printing processes. It has light-sensitive iron salts which give a blue negative image.
I developed a technique that enables multiple exposures. The digital-negative films were developed three times and I applied white layers between each of the pictures to make them distict. Using rabbit-skin glue and different concentrations of white pigments, I allowed each layer to have a particular intensity. 
The aim of this work was to highlight the difficulties that photography has when representing reality.

Prized by Nagoya City University, 2011

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