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《The box weaves history》
- 歴史を紡ぐ箱 -
Paper in paraffin wax, wool
20 x 20 x 20 cm each, 2024
Masaki Hagino
Sitespecific work in "Mensroom" at Kato family house in Kameyema, Mie, Japan
「人間の思考は言語の影響を受けている」という仮説である「言語的相対論(Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis)」は 20 世紀初頭に提唱されましたが、この仮説に基づき、言語と思考の関係性は脳科学においても研究が進められています。
屋門及び土蔵」にまつわる歴史資料も使用しています。また本制作にあたり、地元企業との共同制作を掲げ、1927 年創業のカメヤマローソク様からの蝋の素材提供を頂きました。蠟燭の芯に見立てた糸でそれぞれの箱と繋げることで、個々の脳と思考の関係性や、コミュニケーションにおける伝承を表現しています。
This work explores the relationship between the human brain and the history woven through human experiences. Culture and history are intertwined through human experiences and their memories. People have shared their experiences through oral tradition, written texts, or art, passing history down to future generations. This information is stored in the receiver's memory and eventually disseminated again through communication. In this way, culture and history are transmitted across time, mediated by the human brain, while also being influenced by language in the process of communication.
The hypothesis of "Linguistic Relativity," which posits that "human thought is influenced by language," was proposed in the early 20th century. Based on this hypothesis, the relationship between language and thought has been the subject of research in neuroscience. Many studies suggest that language and thought are closely interconnected and that they also have an indirect impact on the transmission of history.
In this work, I embedded a passage from French philosopher Blaise Pascal's "Pensées," which famously states, "Man is but a thinking reed," into a cube that symbolizes the brain. Additionally, I incorporated historical materials related to Kameyama City in Mie Prefecture, as well as the history of the exhibition site, "Kato Family Longhouse Gate and Storehouse." This project also emphasizes collaboration with local businesses; I received wax materials from Kameyama Candle Co., founded in 1927. By connecting each box with thread resembling candle wicks, the work expresses the relationship between individual brains and thoughts, as well as the transmission of knowledge through communication.
この立方体ひとつひとつが歴史を蓄積したひとつの脳を形どっています。中には2種類の文章から抽出された単語・文節により切られた紙が埋め込まれています。一つは「人間は考える葦である」という一説で有名なフランスの哲学者ブレーズ・パスカル(Blaise Pascal、1623 - 1662)の『Pensées』の内容です。彼はその中で人間の弱さと偉大さを表現しました。彼は人間の存在がいかに不安定で儚いものであっても、思考によって自己を超え、神と向き合う意義を見出すべきだと主張しています。
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